419 scam


This message is coming to you on behalf of the United Nation Anti-Crime
Commission and Great Britain (UK) in conjunction with the United
Nations(UN) Foreign Credit Commission and Debts Settlement Services New
York, the United States of America to Africans scam victims.

This is to inform you that the United State Government have ordered the
Economic Community Of West African States (ECO-WAS) Fraud Victim
Compensation Unit of Fidelity Insurance Plc, Benin
Republic/Nigeria/Ghana/Senegal West Africa to release a compensation grant
fund of US$5.9 Million United States Dollars to you.

We wish to inform you that you are among the 100 beneficiaries to benefit
US$5.9 Million United States Dollars each from the Economic Community Of
West African States (ECO-WAS) Fraud Victim Compensation Unit. According to
the number of applicants at hand, 40 beneficiaries have been paid, we
still have more 60 left to be paid the compensations payment.

NB: There are two payment methods through which every beneficiary is
required to choose one from the options, we kindly request that you must
indicate which of the payment options you prefer? From the listed payment
options, you must choose one out of the options to let us know how you
want your US$5.9 Million United States Dollars be paid to you.

You can receive your compensations payments via any of this options listed

1) Bank to Bank Wire Transfer Direct to your Bank Account within 6 hours.
2) By An ATM Card Deliver at your doorstep within 2- working days.
3) Cash in Consignment Delivery to your Address within 3 days.
4) Through Bank Draft Check delivery and clear within 3 working days.

Indicate from the above options which one is preferable to you to enable
the bank commence an immediate fund release to you without further delays.
As soon as we hear from you, we shall arrange with the accredited paying
sector to facilitate an immediate funds release to you, thereafter you
shall be duly notified on how the payment schedule can be conducted.

Yours faithfully,
Mr. Christopher William
+1-724) 519-0540


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