
419 scams

Please accept, the assurance of my highest consideration.

I am Mr ALATTAS, ALWI ALI, I come from Saudi Arabia and I live in the
United States of America for health reasons.
I was the Deputy General Manager of Jubail Refinery (An Oil Refinery in
Saudi Arabia).
I contacted you to make you responsible for the good management of a
fortune. It will seem a little suspicious especially that you do not
know me.
The main reason is that I was diagnosed with lung cancer that is in its
final phase. So I have very little chance to live a few more months.
I have no family since gas explosion at our largest plant in Jubail
Refinery, 15 years ago, which is the basis of my suffering.

I would really like to make you responsible for a sum of € 35.000.000,
this sum intended for the charitable works in your environment.
I would like you to accept my offer to offer orphanages to orphanages,
and poor help centers, schools and to create a foundation in my name
when I leave this life.
30% of this sum will come back to you, so that you can do what you want.
The funds are placed in a guarding section of a French bank in France.

Please come back for more explanations and God bless you.

Email address:

Please accept, the expression of my most devoted feelings.



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