
419 scams

From Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters Washington, DC 20535
United States
Update , 21 June 2019 and welcome to new month for you and your family

We sincerely apologize for sending you this sensitive information via
e-mail instead of a certified mail or a face-to-face conversation, it is
due to the urgency and importance of the security information involve.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters and World Bank Group
Washington, DC in conjunction with others Security Investigation Agencies
in the United States advise you to contact Capital Bank Financial, Bank
Online CENTER Payment officer with information listed bellow and request
the delivery of ATM Card to you immediately because the Master Atm card
worth your full payment of US$25,500,000. 00 in your name is 100% genuine
with due process of law, and it is well free from all illegal activities
which you have the lawful right to receive the credit card from DHL Company
as soon as you send payment of US$299.00 to DHL Accountant agent ,….
Contact the bellow bank in charges of your US$25,5Million to advise you
the address of the receiver today before they will send you the visa card
as soon as you send the fees to them.

Capital Bank Financial Bank Online CENTER
Address: 6000 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD 20852, USA
Contact Person: Mr.Scott Brannan
Remittance Director
Capital Bank USA, Payment officer
Bank Email: (
Phone/TEXT: +1 209-248-1491

We also confirm that the Mr.Scott Brannan Bank Online CENTER you will
receive from DHL Courier Company will functions in any AUTOMATIC ATM
Machine in your country or any part of worldwide with Maximum amount of
US$15,000 per day withdrawal and you can use the ATM card transfer money to
any bank of your choice in the USA/Worldwide with maximum amount of
US$350,000 per day transaction through any ATM Machine Transfer online
guiding, also you can purchase stuffs online with the ATM Credit card
convince at your time as its secure and safe till you cash full payment of
US US$25,500,000. 00 credited on your behalf from United Nations Fund Unit
Department united states of America.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters advise you to go ahead send
the US$299.00 direct to DHL Accountant as Capital Bank Financial
instructed you so that your own ATM Master card will be delivered to you
this week And be final informed that after 48 hours two days and you did
not send the fee as instructed, Bear in mind that your approved payment sum
of US US$25,500,000. 00 must cancel back and send as government
properties payment file here in the United States of America to avoid lost
the payment to scammers.

Thank you very much for your co-operation as we earnestly await your urgent
response to this matter.

Best Regards

God Bless you all .
CC: F.B.I: Agent Joan Angelia
CC: Special Agent Mr.Walter Skinner

FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20035-0001.


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