
419 scams

Good day and my sincere greetings. Even though after reading this mail, you may decide to ignore or misunderstand me, I will not blame you, but rather will blame my situation. You will not be blamed if you call me names or even a scammer.. But only God knows this is far from it, If am a scammer, I will not come with sincerity. Maybe I will come with a promise of Millions just like what we read on internet every day from scammers.

Am a man of 45 years, I have leaved an honest and decent life all my life.. I was a happy man working with a Private company…before I was dismissed from work due to my health condition ever since then I have not been able to get another job. I have 2 kids, a daughter and a son.. 12 and 10..

My wife left me 4 years ago for another man for reasons best known to her.. I have been the one taking care of the kids.. Things has become so difficult for me that I thought of suicide each day.. but the thought of my 2 kids has kept me back from this decision..If I kill my self, what becomes of my kids,? Everything around me now looks dry, my cloths and shoes are all old and warn out, I cant even cloth my kids or feed them as a father.. My daughter has overgrown all her cloths and I cant get her new cloths..

I was ejected from the house I was leaving all because I could no longer renew my rent, I pleaded with a man who accommodated me and the kids.. (Am most grateful for that).. But recently his wife who has been away for a Seminar came back and asked me to leave the house in less than 2 weeks.. All efforts to make her understand failed.. So the husband pleaded with me to find another accommodation

I have searched for job for 18 months and am yet to find any.. My kids have stopped schooling for obvious reasons… feeding my kids has been my greatest challenge, often times my kids asks me questions that I can not answer as a father, AM IN TEARS, my heart bleeds, You may not know how it feels to wake up in the morning without being sure where the next meal is coming for your kids.. What a shame as a father that I am… It hurts.. If you are a parent you will understand what I mean..

Let me not talk about my health issue because its personal… But am believing God that he will heal me in his own time..

Am using a public Internet now – I came online today to send an application letter to a company for employment, somehow I was browsing the internet, reading some pages, I saw your name and email.. You had a similar name to my best friend way back in school..(The name got me attracted) I felt like writing to you, maybe you are a Compassionate person who has feeling, sympathy and concern for others and may understand my situation.

My life is closing up, nothing seems to be working for me..I feel as if am in darkness… I know it is difficult to help somebody you never met.. But All I told you is a true picture of my condition.. I may not know how best to convince you. but I pray you will understand me..

If am a scammer, I will come with business offer that may get your attention. But this is my situation.. All I need is just support to help me rent another apartment because of my kids….As for feeding and school, “if God can feed the Birds in the air who do not farm nor sow, He will make a way for us”

If you are touched to help me, God will bless you.. Remember whatever you wish to support me , I can not pay you back because I dont have it, But I know God has a way to reward such generosity . It is not compulsory, let it be voluntary gift from your heath. Even if you dont have anything to offer, few lines of encouragement will also be appreciated..

Thank you for understanding, I know you would have love to call me, but please I do not have a phone for now, I sold mine to feed my kids last month. But I will check my email again after 8 hours to read your reply..

Mr. J. Solomon


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