
419 scams

Greeting From Their Royal Highness,

The Royal Foundation is the primary philanthropic and charitable vehicle for The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, we unites people to tackle some of today’s biggest challenges and use our passion and unique influence to change mindsets to make a lasting difference on the issues that matter to us and to society.

We have always have the mind of helping unknown people around the world with our foundation, with that we took it upon us as a responsibility to select unknown persons online and decided to pick just two at random for an act of charity by donating the amount of £900,000 each.

As a lucky person that you are, you have been selected to receive £900,000 in your personal bank account as a donation from us. Remember we are doing this voluntarily out of our benevolence because we believe in helping and touching lives.


To receive your donation, you must acknowledge this message by sending us a confirmation mail to our email below:

Hurry now before it’s too late, your request will be processed almost immediately.

Have a nice day!
The Royal Foundation
Kensington Palace,
Palace Green,
W8 4PU


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