
419 scams


My name is Dr. Mrs Mongaton Williams a bank officer with Heritage bank togo Plc. I have a business proposal to discuss with you. The business is all about transferring $30,000,000.00 to your favor for investment purposes which is the reason I am contacting with you for our own benefits. For more details, please do contact me on my private

Dr.Mrs Mongaton Williams.

Dear Trusting Friend in God,

This Mrs.Linda Arthur from London,58 years an aging widow suffering from long time illness. I have the sum of 17.5M For you to use the fund for God’s work.I found your e-mail address as a real Child of God for over a month now that I have been praying about you to know if really you are working according to the direction of God so after all my prayers I am convince,and I have decided to contact you, Please if you would be able to use the funds for the Lord’s work,with trust reply me with this e-mail address:( ) also your telephone number

Yours in the Lord
Mrs.Linda Arthur


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