
419 scams

I am evergelist rehad bonke from Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany. i
was born on 19 April 1940 i became born again at the age of nine i left
for missionary work Africa at the age of 10 i ha and experience of
Baptism in the Holy Spirit.since thane i decide to preach the gospel to
africans for them to fellow the words of GOD and repent. presently now i
am in benin republic in africa.

I mate a man in africa who is very rich and he obtain is wealth from the
internet by takeing money from people he is very sick he has travel
round the world for treatment but he could not recive good helath the
brouth him to the my crusade grown at the seven days of mircale
deliverance and breakthrough and he confess his sin and accept christ
as his personal saviour and GOD. he told me to help him plead to those
that he as lied and taken money from, they should forgive him that he
will refund the money back to people that he as rob and other that have
also been rob on internet he personaly told me to help him sent this
messages to people Around the world, he died two weeks after his
deliverance he as already contacted me with her lawyer before he die
when we ake account of everything we discoverd the money in his account
was about [125 million in dollars] we are to give this money to any
human that as been rob and decive on internet before or to any one that
as the fear of GOD that when he recive this money he will help the poor
and help those that have been also rob on internet i personaly have
people i can give this to but i dont want is fellow africans to feel
that i want to give out to people i know for my personal intrest that
is why i decide to stay in benin republic. and finish up everything and
make sure i have satified him and do according to GOD wish. note that
you are

not the only one am sending this to i am sending this to as many people
across the world but if you are also intrested you can contact me back
with your personal details name country state home adress and a copy of
your passport we will pray about all the details that have been summited
by people and give it to the name of any body that is been directed by
GOD for us to give to but if you are not intrested is not a force thanks
for your QUICK respond may GOD almighty help us all in jesus name i

Best Regards

Evergelist Rehad Bonke


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