
419 scams

Hello Friend,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirit. Forgive my i=
ntrusion as I know that this is an unconventional way of reaching out to yo=

My name is Amelia Lola and I’m Sweden. My reason for writing you is to seek=
your friendship! Just being adventurous and decided to use this letter as =
a resource tool to get your attention. As a matter of fact, I’ve been wanti=
ng to try this a while now to chat. But I’ve been clueless on how to go abo=
ut it.

Maybe you find it strange that I’m using something as cold as this means to=
reach you. But this is the best I can do for now.In short: the purpose of =
this letter is just to ask you if you want to be my friend. And if you agre=
e, just say yes and we can take it on from there.
Direct (E)mail; ” ”

I look forward to hear hearing from you.



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