
419 scams


Please accept my greetings and i hope this messages meets you well today.

I’m Shirley Underwood a widow. I was a real estate consultant & developer in Ireland, that is what I did for a living until I developed a terminal illness that is making me not practically fit to run my business that led me into winding up my business 3 years ago and moved my capital and profit to a s e c u r i t y company in the U.S. due to the fact that my late husband was from Buffalo New York with the perception of distributing the f u n d s to the less privilege as I’m an orphan myself or support small business(s) that requires f u n d i n g.

The purpose of this email is to propose an investment plan to you using my f u n d s with the s e c u r i t y company in U.S. Regardless of where you are, in or OUTSIDE the US, I will be willing to support your business on the basis that 30 percent of your turnover from my capital given to you would be used for charity donations. This is absolutely risk free and requires no p a y m e n t to acquire. I am doing this because I have less than 3 months to live .I therefore need a reliable fellow to champion my course thus receiving the f u n d s & investing it in private business and donating 30 percent of profit generated to the less privilege or if you are not into any business, you can receive the f u n d s as my next of kin and assist me in distributing it to the less privilege but you must be honest ,do not bother responding if you are not honest or sincere but if you are Reply me to this email if you are interested for further details.

With my best regards,
Shirley Underwood


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