
419 scams



It is imperative to notify you about your payment presently reading unclaimed in your favor, we have carefully scrutinize your payment, we discovered that you did not visit Nigeria during the period this funds was awarded to you rather your partners did not tell you the truth of the matter for their selfish reasons, many genuine beneficiaries have been paid after a satisfactory confirmation of their genuinely but your case is complicating since your payment file presently under my custody, have not been approved just because you don’t have (Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate), How can you be transacting business without the obtainment of Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate, which will legally clarify and instruct you of the beneficiary obligation.

You are just patronizing fraudsters who will demand unsolicited fee from you and as soon as you paid them the money, they will come up with another fee which will continue until you are bankrupt, this is how they operate, and they will fake! a wire transfer or document which after two or However, Nigeria government cannot pay any beneficiary without the procurement of an (Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate) which will guide and protect your transaction from any illegality/ abnormality ranging from unofficial extortion, those people you are sending money to are just fooling around with you as you cannot receive one dollar cent elsewhere without Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate.

You just have to caution yourself or you will end up rendering yourself useless from the presidency precisely this office. Presidency wants to inform you that your funds has not left the onshore of Nigeria to any country and moreover know body is authorize to pay you at the moment hence our approval is not signified, consider whatever thing you are doing as fraud! . Finally, it will be of your own
interest to contact us as soon as you receive this mail because your file is the next to be treated; this might sound funny but is the truth of the matter. Presidency has mandated that every foreign beneficiary must secure Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate but before that beneficiary will be issued with a (Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate) in other to devoid your funds from fraud and also mark it clean bill.

We advise you to suspend further discussion with any group of person or persons hence this office has contacted you, tell those fraudsters that you will be traveling so that you will have the time to receive your fund, within three working days you will receive your funds without any obstacles or hiccups as you may have been encountering in the past or haven’t you ask yourself why after all the fees you paid nothing was transferred to your bank account rather more fees will come up. I will be waiting for your urgent response, Also send me you phone number for easy communication. What will be transferring in your account is the total sum of $25.5million to your account.

You can contact me on his phone: +234-8113887072

Mr. Femi Adesina
The new special Adviser to the presidency
on Foreign matters about payment


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