
419 scams

From Mrs Zainab Zamanlabib
 Date: 03/09/2017

 I am Mrs Zainab Zamanlabib from Central Aleepo City Syria +964155986576 doing business of real estate and decoration here in Aleepo,I was happy when i came accross your business link haven known your country as the most peaceful and lovely people,so i decided to contact you for a little assistance you can render to me.
 Due to the situation here in Syria,those of us in the business circle are finding it very difficult to cope with the situation here,no stable government,bomb explosion at strategic places every now and then,sometimes people find it very difficult to go about their normal businesses due to fear of being victim of terrorist attack,above all, the crisis in Syria now has made business activities totaly paralized for quite sometime now,for intance,no good telephone facilities,no adequate security,infact,all most all the basic infrastructure were destroyed during the recent War in Syria,ever since then the environment in Syria has never been conducive business wise.Please,why i need your assistance is that i have about (US$ 50.000.000)Fifty million United states Dollars in my custody.I inherited the money from my late husband’s savings and contract we executed with the Asad Government as a Major General in Syria Army in charge of purchase and maintenance War Equi pment. My intention is to move th

 I wait patiently for your urgent response i am just trusting on you in the name of Almighty ALLAH and i know you will not sit on my money and deny me, am a Devout mosleem woman and I respect ALLAH so pls do not dissapoint me because i have made up my mind to establish this sum (US$50m Dollars) in your country of which i would want you to be my business partner.My DIPLOMAT Already have arrange the same fund in a two trunk Boxes which will be moved down to your country.With the Diplomatic Passport and Immunity it will be easier to move this said fund through the diplomatic means.
 I wait patiently for your quick response so as to move forward on this as i will direct you on the steps to take which will be risk free for us to arrive at the succesful end.

 You can reach me directly at
 Thanks and Almighty Allah help us.
 Mrs Zainab,
 Aleepo City

Geachte heer/mevrouw,

Mijn naam is Wang Xiong en ik heb een voorstel wat ik graag met u zou willen bespreken via uw prive email waar niemand anders toegang tot heeft. Het betreft namelijk een privacygevoelige kwestie. Zodra u mij voorziet van uw prive email zal ik u meer details en informatie over mijn voorstel geven.

U kan mij bereiken via mijn prive email adres:

Met vriendelijke groet,

Wang Xiong



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