
419 scams

Internal Audit,Monitoring,Consulting And Investigations Division
From: Mrs.Inga-Britt Ahlenius.
My Direct/Private E-Mail

To: Fund Inheritor Sir/Madam

This is to inform you that we came to Nigeria on Monday been the 12th of
September 2016 after the just concluded 2016 World Economic Forum (WEF)
held in Abuja Nigeria last week and after series of complaints we received
from CIA and other Security agencies from Africa,Asia, Europe, Oceania,
Antarctica,South America and the United States of America respectively,
against the Federal Government of Nigeria and its high rate of scam and why
they have not pay you your entitlement up till this time. We decided to
involve in this matter and have a lasting solution to this problem and we
decided to direct you on how best you can receive your long expected
payment under 3 working days if you follow the legal rules as law demand.


It may interest you to know that fund transfer irregularities and
misconduct of huge sums of money out of Nigeria during the administration
of the immediate past president of Nigeria President Goodluck Ebele
Jonathan has created suspicions on any movement of large amount, which is
to be routed through Nigeria. For this reason, the new administrative
Government under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari ( President
And Commander of The Armed Forces) has formed a committee on
Finance/Economic matters. This Committee was mandated to deliberate on all
fund movement above $5,000,000.00 USD and also to recover all suspected

Consequently, our organization has been mandated to assist to monitor all
fund movement out of Nigeria. Since our establishment, the sum of $29
billion dollars has so far been recovered. We execute the pre-investigative
formalities and all statutory requirements around the world. The purpose is
to monitor, pre-inspect, recommend or defer your fund movement or seizure
of the fund at your bank or on transit or cable. Fortunately,

We have met with the president Muhammadu Buhari this morning and he made us
to understood that he has been trying his best to make sure you receive
your fund in your house directly to avoid requesting you to pay transfer
cost but all his effort proved abortive as you keep sending money to some
hoodlums who has been extorting money for years from you without success
claiming to be from bank or ministriesl or whatsoever.It might also
interest you to know that the present administration of President Muhammadu
Buhari has directed only the newly constituted Economic And Financial
Crimes Commission Chairman to handle all foreign payment and we found it
worthy to inform you that your fund is not in any way outside Nigeria,
please take note of this and sit up and if you really want to receive your
long expected payment, do not disclose this to any one including those
extorting money from you, be warned.

Right now,as directed by our secretary general Mr.Ban Ki-Moon,We have
decided to inform you that we have authorized the Government of Nigeria to
effect the payment of US$12.5M via cash delivery without any more delay.The
only thing you will be required to do to confirm your fund to your address
via cash delivery is for you to secure the Fund Bail-Bond Diplomatic
Bullion Box to enable your already packaged and sealed fund sent to your
address through diplomatic agent without any hitch.

Sincerely,you are a lucky person because I have just discovered that some
top Nigerian/British Government Officials are interested in your fund and
they are working in collaboration with One Mr.John Wheeler from Scotland to
frustrate you and thereafter divert your fund into their personal account.

I have a very limited time to stay in Nigeria here ,so I would like you to
urgently Contact the payment director in charge of all funds in Nigeria in
the person of Ibrahim Magu and plead with him to send your funds across to
you and please confirm to this message within 24 hours from now and let us
know if you have contact the Economic And Financial Crimes Commission
Chairmant with his information below.

ATTN: Ibrahim Magu
OFFICE: Economic And Financial Crimes Commission Chairman, Federal Republic
Of Nigeria.
TEL: +2348100475691

DO this immediately For urgent and fast conclusion of your payment today,
Please contact him with the above email.


The Federal Government Of Nigeria in conjunction with United
Nations,IMF,CIA,FBI Interpol and World Bank wishes to inform you that all
payment by ATM CARD Payment, Draft Payment, Direct Wire Payment And Online
Payment has been stopped for security reasons ,to avoid diversion of fund
to an unknown account and to avoid extortion of money. Our Honorable
Economic And Financial Crimes Commission Chairman of international
reputation is were you are advise to receive your long expected payment via
cash delivery to your address as soon as you meet up with the Legal
requirements,failure to adhere to this instruction ,the UN Authority And
the Federal Government of Nigeria will not be held responsible for any Lost
and any further contact /communication apart from his office (Economic And
Financial Crimes Commission Chairman) is a Scam be warned.

Mrs.Inga-Britt Ahlenius
Sincerely yours,
UN.Director For Economic Recovery And Reconciliation For Africa.


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