
419 scams

To whom it may concern,

My name is Professor Itse Sagay, Chairman of Presidential Advisory Committee on Corruption Federal Republic of Nigeria. My reason of contacting you is in line with the desire of President Muhammadu Buhari quest to wipe corruption out of the Nigeria system. The president federal republic of Nigeria made a promise to the president of the united state of America in his first official visit to U.S.A that all foreign contractor and beneficiaries owned by the Nigeria Government will receive all their funds in his 100 days in office without further delay.

Base on this the President on his return from his U.S.A trip set up this committee of highly respected and Non-corrupt elder statesmen which I was made the chairman to look into all files and documents of foreign beneficiaries whom for one reason or other are yet to receive their funds due to high level of corruption in Nigeria. Going through the files and documents in our position it shows that you are yet to receive your fund even when it is clear that the said fund belongs to you and haven’t invested huge sum of money in an attempt to get this fund release to you.

Base on the above mentioned I decide to contact you personally and to inform you that your fund is now ready and all necessary arrangement has been put in place for immediate release of the fund. You are hereby advice to indicate your readiness to get your fund for more advice on how to get your fund, kindly contact me on the following Email professoritsesagay111@gmail.com for more details.

Yours Faithfully,

Professor Itse Sagay.
Chairman of Presidential Advisory Committee on Corruption Federal Republic of Nigeria.


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