
Charity scams


I am writing this email to you in line with the dictates of my spirit-man as this email is directed to you personally and I request that it should be treated as such with hope you will neither betray nor let down this call for service

I am Peter Rina the legal adviser to late Mrs. Joyce Carlson, a faithful and dedicated woman, whom I am so proud to have served. Before her death, Mrs Joyce informed me of her desire to give out her wealth for humanitarian purposes; she wanted to dedicate her wealth to humanity. However before all these could be finalized, she passed away.

As her legal adviser, before her death, she informed me of her desire to use her wealth to reach out to the poor and the needy. In line with her instructions, I am to distribute her wealth for “Charity Works”. It is my responsibility as the inaugural trustee to present someone whom the Fund will be handed over to.

The said Fund is contained in a Trust Fund set up by Late Joyce Carlson, the Joyce Carlson Trust Fund which was set up in July 2012, I am under oath/obligation to present someone with proven integrity who will use the Fund to fulfil the wishes of Late Mrs Carlson. It is based on this that I am contacting you.

I look forward to your response as i wish you all the best as you make up your mind to help humanity.

Best Regards

Peter Rina


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