
419 scams

Shanfari Group of Companies
P.O.Box 783, Muscat
Postal Code 100,

Peace of Allah be with you,

With regards to my search for Foreign Investment, I wish to bring to your notice my interest to partner with you on a great business opportunity. I am Sheikh Said Bin Ahmed Al Shanfari from [Shanfari Group of Companies] Oman.

I am interested in exploring ways to Establish Business Relationship with you. Kindly furnish me with full investment strategy and business proposal for my study. Am seeking of expanding and relocating my business interest abroad in the following sectors: Oil/Gas, Construction, Real Estate, Stock Speculation and Mining, Transportation, Health Sector and Tobacco, Communication Services, Agriculture Forestry & Fishing, thus any kinds sector.

If you have a solid background and idea of making good profit in any of the mentioned business sectors or any other VIABLE business in your country. Please write me for possible business co-operation. More so, am ready to facilitate and fund any business that is capable of generating 10% annual return on investment (AROI) Joint Venture partnership and Hard loan funding can also be considered.

I am confident that you will give your consideration to this proposal and respond positively within a short period of time. I am available to discuss this proposal with you and to answer any questions you may have in regard to this investment. As soon as you give your positive response to this proposal, I will not hesitate in sending you the details information of this great investment partnership opportunity.

Looking forward to a good working relationship with you. Please if you have any interest for this project kindly correspond to my mail address at:-

My regards to your family,

His Excellency Sheikh Said Bin Ahmed Al Shanfari


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