
419 scams

Dear Friend,

I am (Mr.cheung lee),from Hong Kong, I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that i am about to transact with you for the mutual benefit of our both families. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $19,500,000.00 away from my Bank to a private Bank i will advise you to open. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret or delete it from your mail box, if you are not interested. Also note that you will have 30% of the above mentioned sum, if you agree to transact the business with me while 70% will be for me. I will give you full information details as regards this transaction as soon as you notify me of your interest.

Please Email me on my private email: leemrcheung123@gmail.com
Mr.cheung lee.


The Project is about the exportation of 100,000 barrels of Light Crude
Oil daily out from Iraq to Turkey through my client?s company in Iraq
at the rate of $92.00 a barrel. This amount to $9,200,000 daily. I ask
for your support as a foreigner to handle this business project with my
client and you are not expected to invest in Iraq.

If yes, let me know and we will discuss this project proper.

Attorney Kim.


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419 scam