
419 scams

Hello [My skype name],

I have been in search of someone with this last name “[My skype name, which is only one word]” so when I saw your name I was pushed to contact you and see how best we can assist each other. I am Mr.duke mike, a banker by profession working as a Director Auditing and Accounting unit of the A.D.B Bank.

I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds to the tune of (USD$12.3M) one of my bank Customers who died along with his entire family on 15th July, 2009 in a plane crash in Northern Iraq, who had no relations to claim the fund and I want you to help me receive the fund as his next of kin in your country. This is an opportunity for us to claim the fund and give our lives a complete definition.

Late Mr.JAMES [Skype name again], did not mention any Next of Kin/ Heir when the account was opened, and James was not married and no children. Last week my Bank Management requested that I should give instructions on what to do about his funds, if to renew the contract. I know this will happen and that is why I have been looking for a means to handle the situation, because if my Bank Directors happens to know that James is dead and do not have any Heir, they will take the funds for their personal use, so I don’t want such to happen.

That was why when I saw your last name I was happy and I am now seeking your co-operation to present you as Next of Kin/ Heir to the account, since you have the same last name with him and my bank head quarters will release the account to you. There is no risk involved; the transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and I from any breach of law. It is better that we claim the money, than allowing the Bank Directors to take it, they are rich already. I am not a greedy person, so I am suggesting we share the funds equal, 50/50% to both parties, my share will assist me to start my own company which has been my dream.

Let me know your mind on this and please do treat this information as TOP SECRET and DO NOT respond to this on skype for same security reason. I have more to write you about the details once I receive your urgent response strictly through my personal Email address

Mr.duke mike.


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