
419 scams

Our Operation manager has sent your first payment of $4,500.00 to you
and here is the information;Contact (

Bellow is your first payment for $4,500usd sent today.
Sender Name: henry nwora
MTCN: 6048437120
Question= What Color
Answer= White
Amount Sent: $4,500.00

I am waiting for your urgent response after you have picked up this
first payment.
Best Regard
Mr. Basil Idris


Greetings From Bank Royal Bank of Scotland or will be paid
you from Our
Swiss Correspondent.

I am aware that this is an unconventional way of relaying an
message such as this. I did try without success to locate
both your
contact address, I resorted in contacting you via email. I
am Alexander
Pip Dickson an investment consultant working with Bank RBS
presently at
their offshore department. I will be happy to work this deal
out with you
if you have a corporate or personal Bank Account and if you
are capable of
keeping TOP SECRET.During one of our periodic auditing I
discovered a
dormant accounts with holding balances of US$5,000.000.00
{Five Million
United State Dollars only}

It has happened in the past, however, that customers pass
away and their
heirs can neither prove the death, nor their heir ship. This
was a
frequent occurrence during the wartime periods, and the
banks have now set
up a simple, rapid resolution procedure operating to their
advantage. Dormant assets are defined as any assets
deposited with a bank
(i.e. an account, a custody account or a safety-deposit box)
for which
there has been no contact with the customer in the bank?s
files for the
last ten years or more. If you believe you have claim to a
Swiss bank account for which the holder (e.g. an ancestor)
has not been in
contact with the bank for over ten years, there is a fairly
procedure to follow, depending on the date the account was

If you know that you are capable to handle large or small
amount on trust
and can keep secret and ready to take 40% of any amount I
transfer to your
account from the dormant accounts and I will take 60%, then
get back to me
immediately with your details.

Tell me more about yourself, while I look forward to receive
the above
information.I want to re-assure you that this business is
risk free and
you can send an empty account to receive the funds, provided
that the
account is capable to receive incoming funds, the
transaction will be
executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect us
from any
breach of the law.

Send also your private mobile phone number where I can reach
you now and
tell me some thing about you to build more trust.

Call me on+ +447045747259 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +447045747259 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting

I hope you don’t reject this offer and have this funds
Waiting for your reply on

Yours faithfully,,

Alexander Pip Dickson


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