
419 scams

Delivery Transit Alert!

This is a reminder that Your packet is already on the transit point (Italy). You are expected to call or email us with a confirmation of the exact recipient address.

Recipient Postal Details required are stated below;


This package is being sent to you from the European Financial Authorities as a highly classified package,so you should attend to this case promptly.You have to Confirm if you wish to come to Italy for pickup of your cash or if you want us to deliver to you in your location.

For your packet Info,call us on: +39 388 245 3961,Note this is a highly valuable delivery and so,you must attend to all messages promptly.

Looking forward to a prompt response from you.

Andrea Engkvist
For: Lucio Capello
(Agenzia Di Spedizione)
Tel: +39 388 245 3961

From:Mrs. Edith Hayat Habama.
Address: Rue 5 Zoon 4.
Abidjan Cote D’Ivoire.

Dearest in Christ,
I am Mrs. Edith Hayat Habama from Kuwait. I am married to Mr. Joshua Habama, who worked with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in
the year 2009. We were married for twenty two years without a child. He died
after a brief illness that lasted for only five days, before his death we
were both born again Christian.

Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my
matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my late husband was alive
he deposited the sum of US$ 3.5 million dollars in a security company here
in Abidjan Cote D’Ivoire. Presently, this money is still in the security
Attn Please!!!

Am very sorry, I couldn’t attention this letter directly to you because of the fact that I have fire rage in my office and part of you file got burnt ,making it impossible for me to source your name and other details concerning you, I could only locate some part of my diary why I have personal information and noticed I wrote your email the even though the fire affected my diary but I managed to locate your email address, hence am contacting you to let you know that a Philanthropist left the sum of US$2.750Million with our bank ( bank of Africa) here in Cotonou Benin Republic and asked that we transfer it to you.

The Philanthropist said it is a compensation for your business dealings with him in the past. Your are to contact me back with your full details so that I can direct you to the bank officer who is in charge of your payment in order to receive your total fund of US$2.750Million Two Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand US Dollars.

Mrs. Moore A. Agatha.


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