
419 scams


I know this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship for both of us because A ‘hi’ today can mean a friendship tomorrow. Friendship is a word, the very sight of which in print makes the heart warm. A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet; we got to take time to be friendly because it’s the road to happiness; I want us to be friends, I’m Rebbecca Hush, female, single and I’m presently in the USA, My parents are Cocoa merchants and exporters residing in Republic of Cote D’Ivoire but they where suddenly attacked and killed by some rebel groups during the war in Cote D’Ivoire, My Late Father made a fix deposit with one of the commercial banks in Republic of Cote D’Ivoire before his sudden death, I need your assistance to transfer this fund to your Country for investment, I will give you more details about me and the amount involve in my next email, I’m looking forward to your reply


Most Respected,

I greet you in the name of the most high Lord.

This brief mail might be surprising to you. My name is Mrs. Mary Brehmah, I am a dying woman who have decided to donate what I have to you/ church. I am 61 years old and I was diagnosed with
cancer 3 years ago immediately after the death of my beloved husband who left for me everything he worked for.

With the deep heart of human in me,i am touched by God to donate what I have inherited from my late husband to you to assist the less priviledge ones in the society and for the good work of God rather than allowing my relatives to use my husband hard earned funds ungodly.

As touched by the Lord Almighty, i have decided to WILL/donate the sum of $6,300,000 (Six million Three hundred thousand dollars) to you to assist the less priviledge and for the good work of the lord.

My Relatives are all around me at this moment and this would hinder me taking my phone calls and in a short time I will be going in for an operation.

Also, my will/Estate has been djusted and my lawyer Advocate Adsel Mons is aware of this adjustment. Please get in contact with him on his email address ( He has been duly informed and notified of this recent development. He will assist in arranging the funds
transfer for you.

I know that we have never met and i never know you, but i am led by the Almight to do this.

I wish you all the best and may the good Lord bless you abundantly as you use the funds well for the given purpose.

Thanks and God bless.

Mrs. Mary Brehmah
Brehmah Foundation (

NB: Your utmost confidentiality in this matter would be highly appreciated until the task is accomplished as I don’t want anything that will jeopardize my last wish.


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