
Pyramid Scheme

I want to iell about a fantastic company called BonVoyage1000. Bonvoyage1000 is a exclusive private
Global Travel Club for Families, couples, & individuals who want to make world travel a part of their

With bonvoyage1000 you can be able to stay in 5 Star resort or 2 bed room condo for as little as $100
for an entire one week. Bonvoyage1000 is in 200 countries around the world. Bonvoyage1000 makes
possible for people to Vacation around the World for incredible low sums of money (Pennies on the
dollars). It is the best kept secret in the Vacation industry. It is possible with Bonvoyage1000 that with a
click of a mouse, look into our back office to our product, we can take you to where you will like to go
and when you will like to go for a price you will just Not Believe.
The BV1000 travel center in Florida employs over 500 agents to process member vacation requests
every day. They also help Plan Every step.

With Bonvoyage1000 everything is done from your own home, we are not a travel agent, we are a
Global Travel Club. Many people asked who are we, what do we do and how are we being able to do it.

Well BonVoyage1000 is consider around the world as the Global Alternative to Timeshare Ownership.
Because you don’t have to subject yourself to a 3 hour high pressure sales pitch, No $15,000 to
$25,000 Purchase Price, No $650 to $1200 Average Annual Maintenance Fees, No You don’t have to
try and exchange your ONE week for where you want to go. With bonvoyage1000 you can go where
and when you want to go leave in as little as two days or two weeks from right now, pay as little as
$100 dollars for an entire 8 days and 7 nights. With bonvoyage1000 the difference is Travel as often as
you like. Whenever and wherever you want to go we must surely get you there. Visit and click on Travel center for details.

Bonvoyage1000 does not end their, it went further to providing a fantastic business opportunity that is
second to none to its members. Since it is not advertise publicly, you can only know about it through a
member of Bonvoyage1000. Bv1ooo encourages everybody to join and become a member.
So now if you are a member of Bonvoyage1000 you are actually able to tell other people about
Bonvoyage1000 and when you do that, the company will pay you.

Let me give you an example; Let’s assume you have 2 of your friends that likes to go on a vacation or
who needs some money to settle some bills and you mentioned bonvoyage1000 to them and they
enrolled and the 2 now go ahead and mentioned bonvoyage1000 to 2 of their friends each and they
also enrolled. My company said whenever you have 6 people you brought into bonvoyage1000 under
you whether directly or indirectly, you will be paid $1000 dollars Cash INSTANTLY into your back office
and will be credited INSTANTLY to your Check account or Liberty Reserve account whichever is your
choice. And this could happen over and over again. For details click on Reward Program on the site.
We have over 2000 people that make $1000 within 24 hours they joined bonvoyage1000. As soon as
they joined they pick up their phones and start calling their family members, friends and associates
about bonvoyage1000.

We have people that use bonvoyage1000 only when they want to go on a vacation We have other
people that do it part time to make extra money maybe to earn a $1000 dollars or more in a month.
What they do they pick up their phone and stat to call on their friends, family members or associates.
We also have some people that use bonvoyage1000 to create a massive Cash Flow they do
bonvoyage1000 on a full time basis or a part time basis. In Bonvoyage1000 we have a simple product,
a simple marketing plan, and a wonderful company that cares about all its members.

The beautiful part about bonvoyage1000 is the basic qualification to receiving commissions in
bonvoyage1000 is only you need 2 people, once you bring in 2 people into bonvoyage1000 you are
forever qualify to be receiving commissions in Bonvoyage1000.

Since you need only 6 people to make a $1000 dollars that means with small number of 100 people that
cycles ones a month gives you $16,000 a month, and 200 people gives you $33,000 a month. 50
people gives you $8000 a month. Look at it this way:
100 Divided by 6 = 16 dollars
200 Divided by 6 =33 dollars
More People Means More Money
There are many ways to make a $1000 dollars in bonvoyage1000.


To Join is very simple

To Join Bonvoyage1000 is very simple. Cost to join bonvoyage1000 is one time and a life time fee of
$350 dollars. No monthly fees and no annual fees. Once you join bonvoyage1000 you are a member
forever. You have access to our products make your reservations and vacations around the world for
the rest of your life. We are one stop vacation center saving you time, saving you money. Imagine
being able to vacation in 2 bedroom condominium in a 5 Star Resort for $100 dollars for an entire 7
days .
Since it is the company’s policy to come in through someone who is a member, click on the site below
or log on to click REGISTER OR JOIN NOW and complete the simple
registration form, a mail will be sent to your email, activate your account in your email by login with your
user name and password during your registration. Choose your payment option ( $350 dollars only. It is
a one time payment for life) . Upon your successful payment, you will receive a congratulatory message
from Bonvoyage1000. You will be given a replicated site of your own, type your site, user name. Take a look at your site you will see login click on it, this
time enter your user name and password to gain access to your back office.

COMMISSIONS � Commissions are paid via Bank Wire Transfer or Liberty Reserve account. As soon as
you registered , login to your back office, look down you will see “Get Started” “Setup Withdraw”
page. On this page, you will see “How do you want to get paid?” Choose Bank Wire Transfer or Liberty
Reserve. Fill in the required information for the selected method of payment.

BONVOYAGE1000 go down on the site and click on OPPORTUNITY you will see Experience
Bonvoyage1000 or WATCH THE VIDEO click on it and click on the play botton to listen to it for better

I know you are someone who truly cares about your friends, family, business associates and others.
Many around you need a job and many need a vacation, put a smile on their faces, so sharing what
Bonvoyage1000 could do for them financially, represents one of the most timely gifts you could give a
friend today.

I would really like you to consider becoming part of our family with bonvoyage1000. Sign up today, click
JOIN NOW, your gateway to a life time of Travel and Vacations Globally. Saving you Time, Saving you

The best,
Wishing you great Travel and vacations Globally.
Uche Dickson.
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